16. CitusCMS
CitusCMS ist ein schnelles, flexibles und benutzerfreundliches Open Source Content-Management-System.
17. ClanSphere
ClanSphere is an advanced Web CMS for clan and e-sport related pages. It features module management, switching of templates, theme sets, languages and contains over 50 modules from start on. It supports a wide range of PHP versions and database drivers.
18. CMS Made Simple
CMS Made Simple 是一个易于使用的内容管理系统用于具有简单、稳定内容的网站。使用PHP,MySQL和Smarty模板引擎开发。它具有:基于角色的权限管 理系统,智能缓存机制(只有当需要时才会从数据库获取),基于向导的安装与更新机制,对系统资源占用少,还包含文件管理,新闻发布和RSS模块等。
19. conceptcms
conceptcms is a PHP and MySQL-based, scalable and very flexible Content Management System: multi-language, WYSIWYG editor, media library, YAML CSS framework fully supported, modules to enhance base functionality, templates.
24. deV!L`z Clanportal
DZCP is a cms system for online gaming clans and communities.
25. Diem
Diem 在 Symfony 的基础上提供一个可让你快速构建用户友好的 CMF 内容管理框架。
DITA CMIS Explorer™ by DITALabs, is an Open Source web-based repository browser, which seamlessly integrates and extends existing content management systems to support DITA.
29. Dubsite
Dubsite is a minimalistic and powerful CMS built upon the Zend Framework. The default installation includes basic plugins to create Articles, Webforms, Menus and other. It allows you to manage personal or business websites and portals.
30. Dynamix
Exsense Dynamix is a CMS for create and manage web sites very easy. Exsense Dynamix implemented in two sections: Dynamix CMS and Dynamix Admin. By Exsense Dynamix you can achieve a web site and manage it from desktop environment by rich desktop software.